Integrating the mind, body and spirit


Assists in maintaining your natural health, self empowerment and expansion of consciousness.

It can alleviate feelings of anxiety, stress, depression and other discomforts – such as: arthritis, sprains, burns and energetic imbalances.


TAT is a creative approach to therapy which assists clients to cope with a variety of life changes – such as health, grief, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, bullying, introversion and / or stress.


A process that needs to be practised regularly for maximum results and benefits. It lessens symptoms of anxiety, depression, anger, fear and brings you more clarity, peace, harmony, confidence, self-worth and resilience.

“The inner journey is one of the most thrilling and exacting adventures you are likely to accomplish. It is full of tests and trials, failures and victories, dragons and snares to overcome, tears and pain, laughter and moments of joy…You can trust yourself to find your way through. You can trust life, your senses, your instinct, your intellect and intuition. Everything you need to know is inside yourself.”

Transpersonal Art Therapy

What is Transpersonal Art Therapy?

The term Transpersonal was first coined by Carl Jung. It is an effective method that uses creative techniques and processes to assist the integration of the spiritual dimension and mystical experiences with the being.

Is Transpersonal Art Therapy effective?

T.A.T is an effective method when the therapist is trained in both therapy and various art mediums. It helps to bring suppressed emotions to the surface to begin the healing process and improves your relationship with your self.

Do I need to be an Artist?

You do not need any previous experience or training. Lúcia, the art therapist encourages self-expression, imagination and authenticity.

Who benefits from Transpersonal Art Therapy?

T.A.T is beneficial to both adults and children. Lúcia will guide you to connect with your creative, right cerebral hemisphere of the brain and helps bring awareness and clarity to your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.